When you think of yoga, you may fall victim to stereotypes: all about spirituality, gender specific, Buddha and hippies. Well, not all yoga is created equal. Yoga is quickly becoming a fitness trend, and used as a supplementary workout for those strictly looking to get fit. But, yoga is still practice, by many for the sole purpose of mind and body enlightenment. All yogis are unique in their practice.

In fact, there are over ten different styles of yoga practices – all focusing on different things. Here at Yogis On The Go, we practice Vinyasa yoga, more popularly known as flow yoga. This style is one of the most popular in the United States, and focuses on the breath and movement coordination. Another benefit is that this style is also fitness-orientated – it’s really a win-win!

In order to broaden your horizons on yoga, keep reading to learn about a few popular styles practiced around the world:

 Ashtanga: This style, not for beginners, is also known as power yoga. Throughout a class you will be on the move from one pose to the next in a persistent cycle of six poses. This style is physically demanding and focuses on purifying your body through internal heat. The benefits of this style include improved circulation, flexibility and stamina, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.

 Bikram: We’ve all heard of this style – and probably all been scared as well. This is the popular “hot” yoga that has become such a “hot” trend – pun intended. A Bikram yoga class is comprised of 26 different poses done in a room where the temperature is 105 degrees, or hotter. Just thinking about that is making us sweat! The definite benefit to this style is the extensive workout that comes with it. It encompasses muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular flexibility and potential weight loss. Thankfully for all us yoga fans, this is the only style practiced in the extreme heat.

 Hatha: This style is the basis for all other yoga styles, and great for beginners! This is a very easy to learn form of yoga that incorporates postures, controlled breathing and mediation in order to achieve enlightenment while practicing. This practice is designed to align and calm your body and mind, making this the perfect style to use when stressed to the max.

 Vinyasa: As mentioned before, this is the style we use here at YOTG! We love this style because of the smooth flow between poses, making it feel almost like dance. This style helps build the lean muscle mass we all strive for! Because there is so much flow in between poses, it allows you a better range of motion and flexibility in your body. This practice’s focus on breathing and relaxation is a huge component of why we love it so much.

All styles of yoga have the same foundation, which is what makes yoga, yoga! It is so important to find the right style for you, your lifestyle and your yoga want and needs. Check out Our Sessions and get started on your yoga journey today!