We all wish we had the metabolism of someone 10 years younger than us. Unfortunately, we can’t always get what we want. But, lucky for us lovers of yoga, it can actually help boost your metabolism! Yes – you read that right. Yoga can build strength, tone muscles, improves circulation and thyroid function! All of which leads to a metabolism boost!

Metabolism, for those who don’t know, is the chemical processes that occur in a living organism necessary for the maintenance of life. But what does that mean!? In simpler terms, your metabolism converts the food we eat into energy needed in order for us to do everyday things. Your body’s metabolism slows down as you age, which is why exercising is so important as it helps your metabolism speed back up!

There are certain yoga poses that are definitely more beneficial to your metabolism rather than others!

Here a just a few:

  • Downward Dog Split
  • Twisted Chair Pose
  • Shoulder Stands
  • Bow Pose
  • Plow Pose
  • Crescent Lunge Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Spinal Twists
  •  And many others! An extra tip is the addition of weights to your yoga session when applicable of course!

If you’re interested in supercharging your metabolism, ask our instructors to add a few of these poses into your session!