We’ve all heard about the coveted inner-thigh gap and how this is an aspect of a “perfect body.” However, that is not the case no matter how many people or magazines try to tell you that! What is most important is living a healthy lifestyle and yoga is a great way to achieve that. Work out your thighs during a yoga session and kick the inner-thigh gap stereotype in the butt!

For women, especially, the thighs are often considered a problem area – ugh, thank you genetics. So not fair. BUT on the bright side you don’t have to go through millions of lunges and squats to see results. Actually all you have to do is some yoga – and who doesn’t love yoga, am I right!?

Yoga is a great way to tone, slim or strengthen your thighs. You can do however much or little you want in order to reach your desired outcome! One of the best things about yoga is how diverse the benefits are! Here are the top five yoga poses to target your thighs:

 Chair Pose: The name of the pose is a great depiction of how the pose looks – like you’re sitting in a chair. However, it might sound easier than it is! Sitting in an imaginary chair is hard work that your thighs will hate you for now but love you for in the long run! This pose uses most of your leg strength, but it directly impacts the thighs!

  • Warrior Pose: If you’re wondering which warrior pose we’re talking about, it’s all of them! Warrior 1, 2 and 3 are all great poses if want to work on strengthening your legs. They are especially helpful when toning your thighs! Another variation of this pose is Reverse Warrior, also known as Crescent Moon pose. This pose works all of the muscles in your legs, but instantly targets the inner thighs!
  • Side Fierce Pose: This yoga pose is very similar to a squat. However, in this you hold the squatted position and twist to one side. As you twist from side to side, it is important you stay in that deep squat to really work out the thighs! Doing variations of this pose is a surefire way to get the toned thighs you want to show off!
  • Eagle Pose: When you’re in this pose it may look like you’re in a one-man game of Twister. That just means you’re doing it right! This pose focuses on your lower body as well as your upper body. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. A great benefit of this pose is the focus on toning the thighs when you hold it for 20- 25 seconds!
  • Goddess Pose: Gee, this sounds like such an important pose, am I right? Picture a wide leg stance squat and that’s the Goddess Pose! This pose impacts the entire lower body simultaneously, while building thigh strength. Also, this helps tone the pesky inner thigh area we all want! You can mix this pose up by doing pulses or even adding some twists!

If you’re looking to tone or strengthen your thighs – or any part of your body – check out Our Sessions to get started on your yoga journey today!